Archive - 2006

May 10th

US Offers Environmental Duty-Free Plan

9 May, 2006
The United States 'along with the European Union, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore and Switzerland' yesterday proposed a tariff-free sectoral initiative in the Doha Development Agenda industrials negotiations on environmental goods (WTD, 5/9/06).

US Blasts AB Body Ruling on 'Zeroing'

9 May, 2006
The United States yesterday slapped down a recent ruling by the World Trade Organization Appellate Body over the US use of 'zeroing' in making antidumping judgements - declaring the implications of the ruling as well as the analytical route adopted by the appeals panel were very 'troubling' (WTD, 4/19/06).

May 9th

Agriculture talks at boiling point over Special Products

8 May, 2006
WTO negotiations in agriculture have reached a near-crisis over the issues of Special Products (SP) and Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM), with developing countries that have championed these concepts being in a state of fury at what they see as attempts by the United States and some other exporting countries to undermine agreement on and use of these two instruments.

May 8th

More Agriculture Papers from the WTO

7 May, 2006
Links to several documents that have been distributed in the recent agriculture negotiations.

Recent Communications on Domestic Regulation in GATS

7 May, 2006
Links to the recent communications on domestic regulation in the GATS negotiations.

US calls for SR Officials MTG for G-12, plus spec products

7 May, 2006
The United States has called for a senior officials meeting of the Group-of-12 countries next week to review the state of progress in faltering Doha modalities negotiations, WTD was told (WTD, 5/5/06).

May 5th

Chair's Reference Paper on Special Products

4 May, 2006
Link to the Chair's reference paper on Special Products.

No WTO deal better than a bad deal, says Indian Minister

4 May, 2006
India's Commerce and Industry Minister Kamal Nath stressed on 25 April in Geneva that the current WTO talks must not violate cardinal development principles.

Don't make bacon out of us, say developing countries at TNC meeting

4 May, 2006
Several developing countries and their groupings presented their assessments of the state of the Doha negotiations as the WTO's Trade Negotiations Committee met on Monday 1 May.

Positions and problems become clearer as WTO talks set to intensify

4 May, 2006
The WTO's Trade Negotiations Committee meeting on 1 May and statements made by some Trade Ministers visiting the WTO have further clarified positions of some key members and groupings and some of the major differences among them that need to be resolved if the Doha talks are to progress fast enough.