Archive - Sep 2005

September 15th

Bridging Some US-EU Differences

14 September, 2005
Summing up the outcome of three separate meetings Tuesday and yesterday, US Trade Representative Rob Portman and visiting European Union Commissioner for Trade Peter Mandelson said both sides have made progress in bridging their differences in the Doha Development Agenda agriculture negotiations

September 14th

Poor Countries Take Sugar to UN

13 September, 2005
New threats to sugar exports to the EU from poor countries are due to come up at the United Nations summit this week

Call for international mobilizations in Geneva: STOP the WTO corporate agenda before Hong Kong!

A call for international mobilisation for the General Council week in October in Geneva.

Mandelson Disappointed By Dems' Stand On Trade

13 September, 2005
European Union Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said Tuesday that the opposition of Democrats to trade agreements has disappointed him and he now fears Republicans are following their lead.

Brazilian Official Defends Tariff Cuts, Hopes for Progress on Agricultural Goods

13 September, 2005
Brazil's Finance Minister Ant

Science without conscience is worse than no science

13 September, 2005
Jacques Diouf, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organisation, has strong views on the issue of genetically modified organisms. In an interview, he says we need to put in place an internationally agreed regulatory framework.

September 9th

U.S. Farm Leader Denounces WTO in Korea; Speaks in front of thousands at rally in Seoul

8 September, 2005
Dena Hoff, Secretary of the National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC), spoke today in Seoul before tens of thousands of Korean farmers and workers at a rally to commemorate the second anniversary of Mr. Kyung-Hae Lee

Portman Optimistic About Doha Talks

8 September, 2005
US Trade Representative Portman expressed optimism Thursday about the future of the Doha round of international trade talks

RNM Update, Special Issue, September 2005

8 September, 2005
The status and prospects for WTO Doha Round and FTAA negotiations are put into focus in this Special Issue of RNM Update.

Chambliss, Goodlatte urge USTR to resist EU subsidy cut demands

8 September, 2005
The chairmen of the two congressional agriculture committees yesterday (Sept. 8) said they have told U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman that the U.S. cannot make any specific commitments to reduce agricultural subsidies at this time