
January 26th

International Economy: Trade Chief To Get Tough With Doha Laggards

25 January, 2004
Supachai Panitchpakdi, director-general of the World Trade Organisation, will take a more aggressive approach to chivvy governments into making progress in the stalled Doha world trade talks.

January 24th

Trade Talks Behind Closed Doors

23 January, 2004
'It is scandalous that trade negotiators meet with big business and ignore demands of the small farmers or indigenous peoples forced off their land by multinational corporations,' said Tony Juniper,

January 22nd

Global Trade Talks 'Could Resume By March'

21 January, 2004
The endorsements come amid new enthusiasm after a surprise push by Robert Zoellick, US trade representative, to resume negotiations despite US presidential elections, which many saw as a barrier.

January 15th

US Farm Group Rejects Trade Deal

14 January, 2004
Only 31 per cent of Americans favour subsidies for big farmers, though 77 per cent support subsidies for smaller farms, according to a PIPA / Knowledge Networks poll at the University of Maryland.

December 17th, 2003

General Council Meeting Ends With 'No Breakthrough'

22 April, 2009
Castillo said the meeting did not represent a breakthrough, and the Round is not yet back on track. But he was happy the members are in a pragmatic mood, ready to work.

General Council Meeting Ends With 'No Breakthrough'

16 December, 2003
Castillo said the meeting did not represent a breakthrough, and the Round is not yet back on track. But he was happy the members are in a pragmatic mood, ready to work.

December 15th

WTO General Council Convenes, With Little Progress And Wide Gaps

14 December, 2003
'We have witnessed little real negotiation, gaps remain wide and there does not seem to be a sense of urgency,' the chairman, Carlos Perez del Castillo, told the meeting.

Groups Say Why WTO Should Stay Out Of Food And Agriculture

14 December, 2003
The social movements state that current liberalisation policies focus on increasing exports that satisfy the needs of corporations and threaten the livelihoods of the poorest.

November 29th

WTO Agriculture Negotiations: 'Derbez Text' Increases Trade Distortions, More Special Treatment for US and EU!

28 November, 2003
'Derbez Text' Increases Trade Distortions, More Special Treatment for US and EU!

November 6th

Cancun, Post-Cancun And Implications For The South

5 November, 2003
The US Commerce Under-Secretary, Mr. Grant Aldonas said that there was 'not a lot of incentive' for the US and the EU to 'lower politically sensitive trade barriers if poor countries refused to lower theirs.'