
November 15th, 2013

Indian Farmers Oppose Peace Clause on G 33 Proposal in WTO and Call for Permanent Solution

Alarmed over mounting international pressure and the “take it or leave it” interim text on the peace clause solution on the G-33 proposal being considered for the 9th World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference (MC9), 3-6 December 2013, Indian Farmers has called on the Government of India to reject the current PC proposal and demanded a permanent solution to protect farmers’ livelihoods and access to food for all.

Darle vuelta a la OMC 2013: Alimentos, fuentes de trabajo y desarrollo sustentable en primer lugar

Luego de muchas reuniones ministeriales fracasadas y casi doce años de negociaciones, la Ronda de Doha para la expansión de la OMC está en una encrucijada. Los países desarrollados han dejado de lado la negociación de acuerdos clave para los países en desarrollo cuyo propósito es corregir los desequilibrios existentes dentro de la OMC actual, y que constituyeron la base del mandato de desarrollo del Programa de Doha. Aun peor es que los países desarrollados parecen estar re-etiquetando los antiguos reclamos de sus grandes empresas por mayor liberalización y acceso al mercado con el fin de crear una “nueva narrativa comercial” y así obtener acuerdos en la próxima 9ª Conferencia Ministerial de Bali. En esta declaración con las demandas específicas la red Nuestro Mundo No Está en Venta (OWINFS) sostiene que además de una transformación a largo plazo de la arquitectura económica y comercial mundial vigente, se deben introducir cambios inmediatos en la OMC para ofrecerles a los países más espacio político para que trabajen en pos de una agenda positiva de desarrollo y generación de empleo, seguridad alimentaria, desarrollo sustentable, acceso asequible a la salud y a medicamentos, y estabilidad financiera mundial.

WTO Turnaround 2013: Food, Jobs and Sustainable Development First – Statement

After many failed Ministerial meetings and nearly twelve years of negotiations, the Doha Round of WTO expansion is at a crossroads. Developed countries have pushed aside agreements to negotiate on key developing country issues intended to correct the imbalances within the existing WTO, which formed the basis of the development mandate of Doha. Even worse, developed countries appear to be re-packaging the same liberalization and market access demands of their corporate interests to create a “new trade narrative” towards gaining agreements at the upcoming 9th Ministerial in Bali. In this statement with specific demands Our World Is Not for Sale (OWINFS) network asserts that in addition to a long-term transformation of the global trade and economic architecture, immediate changes must be made to WTO in order to provide countries more policy space to pursue a positive agenda for development and job-creation, food security, sustainable development, access to affordable healthcare and medicines, and global financial stability.

Llamado a la acción frente a la Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC en diciembre 2013 en Bali

On the occasion of 9th WTO Ministerial Conference to be held from 3 to 6 December 2013 in Bali, Indonesia, Our World Is Not For Sale network calls upon its members, trade unions, farmers, civil society organizations and people at large to take action and send message to governments across the world to "Stop Expansion of the WTO and Shut Down the Corporate “Trade” Attack and to prioritize Food, Jobs, Peoples’ Rights and Sustainable Development First!"

October 31st

Call to action for 9th WTO Ministerial Conference in Bali, December 2013

On the occasion of 9th WTO Ministerial Conference to be held from 3 to 6 December 2013 in Bali, Indonesia, Our World Is Not For Sale network calls upon its members, trade unions, farmers, civil society organizations and people at large to take action and send message to governments across the world to "Stop Expansion of the WTO and Shut Down the Corporate “Trade” Attack and to prioritize Food, Jobs, Peoples’ Rights and Sustainable Development First!"

September 17th

No más desregulación y entrega de servicios a intereses empresariales

As governments meet in Geneva to negotiate a proposed Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), 345 organizations representing hundreds of thousands of people from nearly every developing and developed country, called on governments to abandon the talks. Among the endorsers were 42 major international and regional networks such as Public Services International (PSI), UNI Global Union, the European Federation of Public Services Unions (EPSU), the IndustriALL Global Union, the International Union of Food and Allied Workers (IUF), and the ATTAC European network. The letter was organized by the OWINFS network.

September 16th

International Civil Society Sends Letter to Governments Opposing Proposed “Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)”

16 September, 2013
Today, as governments meet in Geneva to negotiate a proposed Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), 341 organizations representing hundreds of thousands of people from nearly every developing and developed country, called on governments to abandon the talks. Among the endorsers were 42 major international and regional networks such as Public Services International (PSI), UNI Global Union, the European Federation of Public Services Unions (EPSU), the IndustriALL Global Union, the International Union of Food and Allied Workers (IUF), and the ATTAC European network. The letter was organized by the OWINFS network.

International Civil Society Sends Letter to Governments Opposing Proposed “Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)”

Today, as governments meet in Geneva to negotiate a proposed Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), 345 organizations representing hundreds of thousands of people from nearly every developing and developed country, called on governments to abandon the talks. Among the endorsers were 42 major international and regional networks such as Public Services International (PSI), UNI Global Union, the European Federation of Public Services Unions (EPSU), the IndustriALL Global Union, the International Union of Food and Allied Workers (IUF), and the ATTAC European network. The letter was organized by the OWINFS network.

September 10th

Press Coverage: G20 Counter-Summit, St-Petersburg, Russia

Series of links to TV and Radio Coverage of the G20 Counter-Summit, and to written articles published online.

September 9th

"Lo que necesitamos es un cambio de sistema!" / Declaración final, Contra-Cumbre G20, St-Petersburgo, Rusia (Sept. 2013)

San Petersburgo, 4 de septiembre, 2013

Movimientos sociales y organizaciones de la sociedad civil de diferentes partes del mundo se reunieron en St-Petersburgo, Rusia, los días 3 y 4 de septiembre 2013, a la víspera de la Cumbre del G20 y en el contexto de una amenaza por parte de Estados Unidos (EEUU) de atacar a Siria. Con la participación de más de 30 delegadas y delegados de los movimientos sociales del mundo, nuestra Contra Cumbre G20 fue auspiciada por la Iniciativa Post-Globalización.