
February 15th, 2008

An assessment of where things stand: what happened to the political momentum?

14 February, 2008
The WTO machinery keeps turning. Trade negotiators and the Chairs of the negotiations continue to focus on the Doha Agenda, refusing to join the growing chorus of voices that have pronounced the Agenda beyond hope. Another set of negotiating texts

February 14th

Developments in the GATS Domestic Regulation Negotiations

13 February, 2008
The draft GATS disciplines, if implemented, would limit what governments can do to prevent and resolve such crises. They would hamstring regulators and further bias the regulatory process in favour of commercial interests.

A response to the Global Food Prices Crisis: Sustainable family farming can feed the world

13 February, 2008
Press Release - La Via Campesina

February 8th

JPEPA Economic Invasion: Who Among The Senators Will Be The Collaborators And Patriots?

7 February, 2008
No Deal!, a coalition of organizations and individuals opposing the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA), said that the treaty symbolizes the

New WTO Agriculture Text Falls Short ? Again

7 February, 2008
New draft agricultural trade rules released at the World Trade Organization (WTO) today fail to repair a deeply flawed negotiating agenda, according to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP).

February 4th

Farmer Agreement Offers Alternative to NAFTA’s Failures

3 February, 2008
On January 1, 2008, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into full effect after a 15-year phase-in for more sensitive agricultural products like sugar, white corn, beans and dairy.

January 31st

January 25th

''Divide and Rule'' Manoeuvre Planned for WTO Doha Round?

24 January, 2008
Process issues have once again risen to the fore in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) as members brace themselves for the release of a new set of negotiating texts for agricultural and industrial tariff liberalisation at the end of this month or early February.

January 16th

JPEPA losses to RP economy go beyond monetary cost

15 January, 2008
Independent think-tank IBON Foundation reacted to Senator Mar Roxas

January 4th

8 new working papers on market access

3 January, 2008
Ambassador Falconer releases 8 new working papers on market access and 4 on domestic support.