
June 4th, 2009

EPA General Exceptions undermine WTO negotiations on commodities

28 May, 2009
The General Exceptions of the EPAs do not preserve the achievements made by African and other developing countries in the WTO on commodities, they contravene the G-77 position, and they serve to undermine the December 2008 modalities. As such, ACP states are advised to demand modification of the EPA General Exceptions in the negotiations towards full EPAs with the European Commission, at the same time as developing countries should bring commodities back to the forefront in the WTO agenda.

June 3rd

Victory for BIOWATCH in Landmark Legal Case

3 June, 2009
Constitutional Court Justice Albie Sachs today handed down judgment in the Biowatch case. Calling the case “a matter of great interest to the legal profession, the general public, and bodies concerned with public interest litigation”, Justice Sachs set aside the costs order awarded against Biowatch in favour of Monsanto and further awarded legal costs in the High Court hearings in favour of Biowatch and against the state. The bench of eleven judges was unanimous in its decision.

Ken Saro-Wiwa: the day of truth?

20 May, 2009
It will send shockwaves through boardrooms if the predictions of the executed campaigner are proved right in a US court

Lamy Cites Need for Two-Track Approach For Concluding Doha Round of Trade Talks

27 May, 2009
World Trade Organization director-general Pascal Lamy said May 26 that WTO members should consider a two-track approach towards concluding the troubled Doha Round of trade talks, an idea already floated by the United States for breaking the deadlock in the negotiations.

Meetings where WTO Doha round could be discussed

26 May, 2009
Trade ministers and other leaders will have a number of opportunities in the coming months to negotiate the Doha round on the sidelines of a series of international meetings.

COSATU commends government’s stance not to rush to conclude Doha round

26 May, 2009
The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) commends the Department of Trade and Industry for opposing the current Doha texts on agriculture and industrial goods. In a statement released on 22 May 2009, it said that SA would not rush for an imperfect Doha deal.

WTO approves waiver extension on treatment of LDC products

14 May, 2009
The WTO Council for Trade in Goods on Tuesday approved a 10-year extension to a WTO waiver allowing developing countries to provide preferential treatment to the products of least developed countries (LDCs) without being required to extend the same tariff treatment to other members.

Financial crisis makes agricultural focus more urgent

12 May, 2009
The UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) should reaffirm the need, not only to increase food production, but to re-orient agro-food systems and the regulations that influence them at national and international levels, towards sustainability and the progressive realization of the right to food.

WTO trade talks machine revs up after U.S. visit

20 May, 2009
A visit by U.S. trade chief Ron Kirk this month to the World Trade Organization has transformed the political atmosphere of long-running global commerce talks, kick-starting the negotiations, trade sources said on Wednesday.

URGENT ACTION: UN Conference on Financial Crisis

Send a letter to your head of state encouraging them to go to the UN Conference, and come yourself!