
May 10th, 2005

WTO symposium debates virtues or otherwise of liberalisation

9 May, 2005
The WTO organised a public symposium on 20-22 April on The WTO After 10 Years: Global Problems and Multilateral Solutions. It was attended by more than a thousand people.

Report 3 on WTO Symposium: Development absent in Doha talks, WTO symposium told

9 May, 2005
Although development is supposed to be at the centre of the Doha WorkProgramme, in reality the development dimension has not been adequately implemented, or may be absent altogether, in the current Doha negotiations, according to several panelists at a session on development during the WTO's public symposium held in Geneva on 20-22 April.

May 6th

Deputy Minister talks between SACU, US cancelled, no new date set

5 May, 2005
A deputy ministers meeting meant to restart talks on a free trade agreement between the U.S. and the Southern African Customs Union were cancelled this week and efforts to reschedule the meeting were unsuccessful.

May 4th

RP farmers face more risks as new WTO commitment looms

3 May, 2005
Philippine negotiators agreed to increase the minimum access volume (MAV) of rice for the seven-year extension of the special treatment for rice.

Stop rushing to a bad WTO deal, say Greenpeace and ActionAid

3 May, 2005
ActionAid International and Greenpeace International warned that governments are rushing to complete a trade deal without considering the impacts on poor communities and the environment.

Argentina-Brazil-India proposal on NAMA gets mixed reaction

3 May, 2005
A new proposal by India, Brazil and Argentina on NAMA presented at the NAMA Negotiating Group meeting on 25 April at the WTO received varyingdegrees of support from several developing countries, while being strongly criticised by the United States for not delivering sufficient market access. (M.Khor)

May 3rd

Sign on letter to call for end to FIPS process in agriculture

This is a sign on letter addressing the FIPS process and calling for an end and inclusion of all interested parties in agriculture negotiations.

May 2nd

Hundreds of farmers demand trade justice

1 May, 2005
The Pakistan Kissan Ittehad (Farmer's Unity in Pakistan) commemorated Global Week of Action and Farmer's Struggle Day of 17th April with a rally and a press conference.

NAMA negotiations hit a snag as developed countries attack the Argentina-Brazil-India proposal

1 May, 2005
The negotiations hit a snag when a joint proposal by Argentina, Brazil and India (now termed the ABI proposal) drew strong criticisms from developed countries, supported by some Latin American countries.(M.Khor)

Two candidates left in race for WTO Director-General

1 May, 2005
A third and final round of consultations on a revised slate of two candidates to select the next Director-General of the WTO will get underway during the week of 9 May.