Development and GATS

17 February, 2005

Geneva - A group of developing countries led by Brazil yesterday sought substantial changes in the General Agreement on Trade in Services architecture on domestic regulation, saying that members must have the right to decide the universal service obligation they want to maintain (WTD, 2/17/05).

In an attempt to impart a developmental context to the GATS, Brazil - along with Colombia, the Dominican Republic and the Philippines - said each member has the right to define, in particular, the kind of universal service obligation it wishes to maintain.

The provisions in GATS and of any disciplines on domestic regulation 'shall not be construed to prevent a member from exercising the right to regulate and to introduce new regulations on the supply of services within their territories in order to meet national policy objectives,' Brazil stated.

The proposal also calls for measures relating to licensing requirements and procedures, qualification requirements and technical standards that are largely applicable to cross-border movement of short-term service providers under 'Mode 4.'