Archive - 2003 - Article

June 12th

WTO Director's Invitation Declined And 'Business Advisory Body' Blasted

11 June, 2003
'This Business Advisory Body process could worsen rather than improve the WTO's endemic problems with secrecy, internally or with civil society,' said Navarro.

Last WTO 'Mini-Ministerial' Meeting Before Cancun Set for July 28-30 in Montreal

11 June, 2003
Progress on market access has been highlighted as one of the principal negotiating objectives of the United States, along with agricultural reform.

June 11th

Many Developing Countries Don't Want To Start Investment Negotiations

10 June, 2003
Many developing countries at the WGTI meeting also said they could not agree with the proposition that the clarification process in the WGTI is complete.

The Stalemate in the WTO

10 June, 2003
The US and the Cairns Group consider its proposed tariff reductions too shallow while the European Union and Japan see them as to deep.

June 9th

Behind US Challenge Of Europe On GMOs

8 June, 2003
The Bush Administration has touted the action as the salvation of starving people and a defense of U.S. farmers.

June 7th

Paragraph 6 Negotiations: No End In Sight

6 June, 2003
The TRIPS Council meeting on June 4-6, in its last formal session before the Cancun Ministerial Conference in September, did not make progress towards agreement on a solution for the Paragraph 6 problem.

June 5th

India Readies Plan For WTO Dialogue

4 June, 2003
Under the service negotiations, India has already made its offer to 62 countries, of which 25 have responded including the United States and European Union, the sources said.

June 2nd

Poor Countries Agree Common Demands In Trade Talks

1 June, 2003
Chowdhury said: 'We demand easymovement of manpower, unrestricted market access, flexibility of rules of negotiation and exemption of LDCs from anti-dumping.''

Developing Countries Stress Lack Of Consensus On Competition Issue in WTO

1 June, 2003
The Cancun Ministerial meeting is mandated to take a decision by explicit consensus on the modalities of negotiations for a WTO agreement on Trade and Competition Policy.

May 29th

Restricted WTO Documents Outline Non-Transparent Cancun Preparatory Process

28 May, 2003
An extremely problematic feature of this process is that the Chair states,'Clearly, the informal HODs will need to be complemented by consultations by both of us in a variety of smaller configuration to address specific issues and problems.