Archive - Article

April 22nd, 2006

Doha Round and Developing Countries: Will the Doha deal do more harm than good?

21 April, 2006
As WTO negotiators miss yet another deadline for concluding world trade talks, developing country negotiators are no doubt asking themselves if they might be better off with no deal at all. According to a new policy report by Tufts University researchers, they have good reason to question the agreement, as hidden costs may well outstrip the limited gains predicted for most countries.

April 21st

Key differences re-surface in NAMA report and meeting

20 April, 2006
In this final week of negotiations on non-agricultural market access (NAMA) before the end-April deadline for modalities, WTO members remain polarized over the key issues of the formula for making tariff cuts and flexibilities from the formula for developing country members.

EU and U.S. trade blame - WTO deadline beyond reach

20 April, 2006
The European Union and the United States blamed each other on Friday for a stalemate in global trade talks which put beyond reach an end of April deadline for a key deal on farm and industrial goods.

NGOs urge Lamy to cancel end-April WTO mini-Ministerial

20 April, 2006
A group of 125 civil society organizations, in a letter sent Tuesday to WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy, has called for the cancellation of a mini-Ministerial reportedly involving only about 30 WTO Members which Lamy had planned for end April and early May in Geneva.

Sombre mood at WTO as April deadline looks more unattainable

20 April, 2006
The mood at the World Trade Organisation headquarters turned even more sombre Wednesday 19 April as many delegates have become convinced that it would be impossible to agree to modalities for agriculture and non-agricultural market access by the 30 April deadline set by the Hong Kong Ministerial.

G33's Letter to Lamy on SP and SSM

20 April, 2006
Links to excerpts from Martin Khor's news article on this development which provides some background and context to the G33 letter. And the G33 letter to Lamy for your information and action.

April 20th

New Publication - HR Body References to Trade

19 April, 2006
The publication of a compilation of references to trade and trade-related issues by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

AU Conference calls for transparent WTO process

19 April, 2006
The African Union Trade Ministers' Conference, held in Nairobi on 12-14 April, adopted a Nairobi Ministerial Declaration on the Doha Work Programme, detailing Africa's position on the current WTO negotiations.

African Ministers warn against erosion of UNCTAD's mandate

19 April, 2006
African Trade Ministers have expressed their serious concern that some developed countries are making use of the process of reform of the United Nations to target the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in order to erode its mandate or even its institutional existence.

EU blames US for Doha deadlock

19 April, 2006
Peter MandelsonPeter Mandelson, trade commissioner for the European Union, on Friday labels the US the biggest single block to the faltering Doha round of trade negotiations.