Archive - Article

October 13th, 2006

Final GMO panel limits application of MEAs in future WTO disputes

12 October, 2006
The final World Trade Organization panel ruling on the European Union's moratorium on approvals of products with genetically modified organisms contains findings that will likely limit the extent to which future WTO panels will consider multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), according to private-sector sources.

October 12th

Impacts of resuming the Doha Round of WTO trade talks

11 October, 2006
The following quotes are taken from recent academic analysis of the estimated gains and losses from restarting the Doha Round of WTO negotiations, including the EU

Small Nations' Doubts About EU Get Bigger

11 October, 2006
BRUSSELS, Oct 12 (IPS) - A proposal by Senegalese Trade Minister Mamadou Diop to postpone the 2008 deadline for signing trade agreements with the European Union found much support at a meeting here Thursday.

Report 10 on UNCTAD meetings: UNCTAD Board adopts Mid-Term Review Outcome

11 October, 2006
The UN Conference on Trade and Development's Trade and Development Board concluded on 10 October the final leg of the organisation's Mid-Term Review.

Report 9 on UNCTAD meetings: Reform process must revitalize UNCTAD

11 October, 2006
Other developing countries such as Pakistan, the Philippines, Indonesia and Iran that took the floor at the meeting also articulated their grand visions for UNCTAD in being the key institution and focal point within the UN system in addressing the challenges of globalization, especially in the area of trade, finance and development.

Report 8 of UNCTAD meetings: Kenyan Minister warns against bilateral trade deals

11 October, 2006
The Kenyan Trade Minister, Mukhisha Kituyi,

October 11th

Japan-RP economic pact brings dubious gain

10 October, 2006
The agreement is biased towards the more powerful Japanese economic interests, so how can JPEPA be positive for the Philippines in terms of trade and investment?

October 10th

Report 7 of UNCTAD meetings: Supachai outlines reform measures at UNCTAD MTR meeting

9 October, 2006
A brief outline of how he intends to undertake some internal reforms in UNCTAD was given by its Secretary-General Supachai Panitchpakdi at the policy dialogue of UNCTAD's Mid-Term Review on 4 October.

Report 6 on UNCTAD meetings: Focus on Round's content, not just its completion, says Indian Minister Kamal Nath

9 October, 2006
Although there is a lot of talk about the need for completion of the World Trade Organisation's Doha Round, the content of the Round's outcome is just as important and there should be emphasis on this content instead as talk of a Development Round has been rhetorical so far, according to India's Commerce and Industry Minister Kamal Nath.

Report 5 on UNCTAD meetings: Global, national policy reform stressed in UNCTAD MTR report

9 October, 2006
Proposals for better United Nations system-wide coherence should start by addressing the need for coordinated economic global policy-making, which is lagging behind the problems caused by increasing interdependence.