Archive - Article

May 20th, 2003

Coherence Between World Bank, IMF And WTO: A Flawed Agenda For Development

19 May, 2003
Last week's WTO General Council Meeting, May13, is seen as a 'historic' event by the Secretariat because for the first time, the heads of the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the WTO met with the entire membership of the WTO.

May 16th

WTO Mini-Ministerial In Egypt June 21-22 To Focus On Market Access, Other Issues

15 May, 2003
Supporters of the 'mini-ministerial' process, including Zoellick and Lamy, have argued that it tends to keep top trade officials fully engaged in WTO issues and this year will help pave the way for a smooth ministerial meeting in Cancun.

U.S. Wants 'High-Standards' Investment Pact At WTO, But Will Not Block Progress In Talks

15 May, 2003
'It's a fairly difficult process,' the official said. 'But we're hopeful.'

April 25th

Cancun Promises To Be Problematic If Decisions Left For Ministerial

28 April, 2009
There seems to be very little clarity on the part of the Secretariat and member states on the way forward regarding progress in these issues and in particular how these and other issues will play out in the 5th WTO Ministerial in Cancun.

April 6th

On Eve of USDA Sacramento Biotech Ministerial, African Voices Counter Bush Claims About GMOs and African Hunger

5 April, 2003
African groups condemn Bush administration's WTO Challenge of European GMO policies, stating GMOs not answer to African hunger.

On Eve of USDA Sacramento Biotech Ministerial, African Voices Counter Bush Claims About GMOs and African Hunger

5 April, 2003
African groups condemn Bush administration's WTO Challenge of European GMO policies, stating GMOs not answer to African hunger.

February 7th

GM Labelling Regime Unhelpful In US Row

6 February, 2003
'With no proven risk to human health from GM products the USA argues that such labelling will be a disguised form of trade protection,' UK liberal Chris Davies said.

August 8th, 2002

'Reality Check': Twelve Months To Mexico And The 5th Ministerial

7 August, 2002
The Developing Countries (DCs) continue to be frustrated because none of the mandated issues regarding implementation and Special and Differential Treatment (S&D) have progressed and resolution of S&D talks has been postponed to December of 2002.

July 19th

June 23rd

Japan To Present Fast Track Approach To Negotiating Singapore Issues In The WTO

22 June, 2002
According to sources, Japan will acknowledge that the clarification exercise regarding issues such Investment and Competition is