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September 4th, 2013

Press Release / G20 Counter-Summit Conclusions: "What We Need is System Change!"

Social movements and civil society organizations from different parts of the world have met on 3-4 September 2013 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on the eve of the G20 Summit. With the participation of more than 30 international delegates of world social movements, our G20 Counter-Summit was hosted by the Post-Globalization Initiative.

Five years after the financial meltdown, the G20 continues promoting failed neoliberal policies, forcing austerity measures in countries facing deep recession and social crisis. During this period a vast architecture of impunity was built to serve the interests of transnational capital.

VIDEOS: International Delegates Presentations, G20 Counter-Summit, Russia

Presentations from a diversity of International Delegates to G20 Counter-Summit, on a variety of G20 related topics.

September 3rd

VIDEOS: G20 Counter-Summit, Opening Conference: "G20 and the Global Crisis on the Eve of an Attack Against Syria", Sept. 3, 2013

G20 Counter-Summit, Opening Conference: "G20 and the Global Crisis on the Eve of an Attack Against Syria", Sept. 3, 2013

With Samir Amin (Third World Network/Egypt-France), Dorothy Guerrero (Focus on the Global South/?hailand), Hanny van Geel (Via Campesina/Netherlands), Pedro Paez (Head of the Antimonopoly Service of Ecuador), Edgardo Lander (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela) and Boris Kagarlitsky (Institut for Globalization and Social Movements, Russia).

VIDEOS G20 Counter-Summit: OPENING / Resisting Global Corporate Governance: Voices For System Change

G20 Counter-Summit, St-Petersburg, Russia

OPENING: Resisting Global Corporate Governance: Voices For System Change

September 2nd

G20 Counter-Summit program, St-Petersburg, Russia

Venue: International Business Center (, St. Petersburg, naberezhnaja Reki Smolenki 2, Metro Vasileostrovskaya


10.00 – 12.00 – Registration, book-bazaar (books of speakers and their organizations) and photography exhibition


Video: Press Conference, G20 Counter-Summit, St-Petersburg, Sept. 2, 2013

2 September, 2013

G20 Counter-Summit Press Conference
St-Petersburg, Sept. 2, 2013

With Boris Kagarlitsky (Institute for Globalization and Social Movements, IGSO, Russia), Diana Aguiar (Brazil Network for the Integration of Peoples -REBRIP, Brazil), Kevin Danaher (Global Exchange, USA), Au Loong Yu (China Labor Net, China)

August 31st

August 26th

Press Release: G20 Summit and Counter summit in Saint-Petersburg

26 August, 2013
On the 3-4th of September in St. Petersburg a counter-summit, a large-scale international event that aims to be an alternative to the September G20 Summit and to develop new principles of economic and social policy that are not based on the "Washington Consensus" will be held. The international counter-summit organised by the "Post-globalization" initiative will bring together world-renowned experts, politicians, economists, social scientists from Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America. In the frames of the counter-summit panel discussions, seminars and public lectures will be held.

June 21st

Civil Society Groups Slam G20 Agenda on WTO

21 June, 2012
In advance of the G20 meeting in Mexico this week, civil society groups working together in the Our World Is Not for Sale (OWINFS) network sent a letter to governments participating in the meetings urging them to reject discussing the further liberalization of trade in the World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations, at the G20 meetings in Mexico.

June 11th

LDCs get eight more years of exemption from WTO - TRIPS rules

11 June, 2013
Today (11 June 2013) the WTO-Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rules (TRIPS) Council adopted a decision granting Least Developed Countries (LDCs) an eight-year extension of the transition period, (deferring the time within which LDCs to implement the TRIPS Agreement), without the pernicious mandatory “no roll-back” clause (contained in the previous extension decision) which developed countries pushed hard to include.