Archive - Article

October 11th, 2005

Europe Entertains an American Offer to Cut Farm Aid

10 October, 2005
The United States upped the ante Monday in the delicate negotiations between America and Europe over aid to farmers, a central sticking point in stalled global trade talks.

October 10th

Press Release: U.S. Agriculture Proposal Falls Short at the WTO

9 October, 2005
A proposal for new agriculture trade rules made today by the U.S. Trade Representative at the World Trade Organization (WTO) includes nothing to benefit developing countries.

Details of US proposal

9 October, 2005
Link to full details of US proposal

WTO Ruling On EU GMO Laws Delayed

9 October, 2005
A World Trade Organization dispute panel ruling on the EU's alleged moratorium on market authorizations for new genetically modified products is being put off until after the WTO's Hong Kong ministerial conference in December.

October 8th

Kamal Nath for tough stance on farm issues at WTO

7 October, 2005
Shri Kamal Nath, Minister of Commerce & Industry, will be taking a tough stance on agriculture and other issues in key WTO meetings starting at Zurich and Geneva

Une delegation de la gauche du parlement Europeen denonce l' obsession de l' acces au marche des negociateurs de l' union europeene a l' OMC

7 October, 2005
La délégation a constaté que, une fois de plus, les négociations de l'OMC se mènent sans transparence, et excluant de diverses réunions les pays les moins riches et les plus revendicatifs en matière de droit au développement.

October 7th

Geneva Update, 6 October 2005

6 October, 2005
Theme: The Twists and Turns of Trade Negotiations: Hong Kong Approaches

US for first time signals demands on sensitive farm products

6 October, 2005
The U.S. for the first time this week set out conditions on how sensitive agricultural products not subject to formula tariff reductions should be treated under a new World Trade Organization agreement.