Archive - Mar 2007


March 21st

Get realistic with USFTA

20 March, 2007
FEDERATION of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) president Datuk Yong Poh Kon claims that Malaysia has more to gain than lose from signing a free trade agreement (FTA) with the US (The Star, March 17). While claiming that a balance in views is necessary, it appears that his letter does not appear to be realistic about the possible gains for Malaysia under a USFTA.

Open Markets ‘Impoverishing Pakistani Fishing Communities’

20 March, 2007
Hundreds of local fishing communities are being pushed into poverty in Pakistan due to over fishing by international trawlers, according to new research from ActionAid released today.

India urges rich nations to give ground as G33 meets

20 March, 2007
Rich nations must give ground to help global free trade talks make progress, India's trade minister said on Wednesday.

G33 meeting to help Doha deal - EU

20 March, 2007
A meeting of G33 developing nations should help the chances of success in the Doha trade round, but convergence among all groups is needed by end-April, European Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said today.

March 20th

“Mr. Lamy, Our SP/SSM is Non-negotiable and Can Not Be Compromised”

19 March, 2007
Please find IGJ statement that we addressed today in the dialog session between CSO and G-33 delegation during the lunch session from 13.00 to 14.30. Today is the SOM meeting, and tomorrow is the ministerial meeting where Lamy and Mandelsohn will come.

The FSPI’s Action on G33 Meeting:

19 March, 2007
Today (20/3), hundreds of farmers, youth, and farm workers from Federasi Serikat Petani Indonesia (FSPI) march in front of Grand Melia Hotel, Jakarta to strongly urge the G33 countries to stand by the people.

End-Feb meeting shows no breakthrough in NAMA talks

19 March, 2007
Small group consultations on Market Access for Non-Agricultural Products (NAMA) have not produced any breakthrough, and members continue to maintain a cautious stance, insisting that there should be movement first in agriculture, the Chair of the NAMA talks, Ambassador Don Stephenson of Canada, reported on 26 February.

No agreement on NAMA tariff cuts at WTO

19 March, 2007
Another week (26 Feb to 2 March) of negotiations at the WTO on market access for non-agricultural products (NAMA) ended with no discussions on the key issue of tariff cuts.

Another ‘Enchilada’ on Services

19 March, 2007
A second Doha Development Agenda services 'Enchilada' session was held yesterday - where Malaysia and South Korea spelled out what they intend to present in their revised services offers and stated 'must-haves' in the final package, trade diplomats said

Trade: Concerns raised at WTO over EC's agriculture tariffs

19 March, 2007
Despite an increase in the exposure of farmers to world market signals due to the implementation of the 2003 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), agriculture remained protected by a complex tariff structure, high tariffs, tariff quotas (with unfilled quotas), and benefited from high levels of domestic support and export subsidies.