Archive - Oct 2006

October 19th

Anti-free trade alliance plans mass protest during US-Malaysia trade talks at end-Oct

18 October, 2006
Malaysian activists Thursday announced a mass a protest during U.S.-Malaysia talks later this month on a free trade pact, saying such an agreement could jeopardize jobs and deprive poor people of cheap, generic drugs.

A New G-6 in the Works?

18 October, 2006
In what is seen as a serious attempt to instill new leadership into the flagging Doha Development Agenda trade negotiations, a new Group-of-Six countries - comprised of Norway, Canada, New Zealand, Chile, Indonesia and Kenya - has been established to move the stall negotiations forward.

India moots dispute mechanism at WTO

18 October, 2006
India next week will ask the World Trade Organization to establish a dispute settlement panel against Washington over its

October 18th

Geneva Update: Doha talks suspended but delegates busy

17 October, 2006
Brasilia, Kuala Lumpur, Rio de Janeiro, Cairns, Batam, Geneva, Brussels, Washington, are only some of the places where high level meetings aimed at restarting the stalled Doha trade negotiations have taken place since the de facto suspension of negotiations on July 27. With different groups of countries involved in various discussions with changing priorities, interested groups and citizens around the world are having a hard time following what negotiators are offering. Here is an update from Geneva on what has happened over the last two months and some developments to monitor.

October 17th

EU commissioners in bed with business; Campaigners demand a cut to corporate power over the EU

16 October, 2006
Today, Friends of the Earth Europe and the Seattle to Brussels Network demanded that the European Union stops making policy decisions biased towards business interests. Trade and environmental campaigners staged an action outside the annual back-pat of the Confederation of European Business (UNICE) today, attended by six European Commissioners and called 'Why do companies care about Europe?'.

October 16th

Envoys Seeking Solution to DDA Stall

15 October, 2006
Trade envoys from a score of countries are making intense efforts to find the 'right spark' to reignite the suspended Doha Development Agenda trade negotiations soon.

UK urges Brussels to relent over new trade rules for poor nations

15 October, 2006
Poor countries must not be forced into opening markets or obliged to accept new rules governing foreign investment and competition law, the UK has told the European Commission.

October 14th

Additional evidence that the poorest DCs would lose from the Doha Round

13 October, 2006
Here are additional pieces of evidence that the current Doha Round negotiations would be detrimental to DCs, particularly the poorest ones, those in Sub-Saharan Africa. They complement the four references already circulated by War on want for the Westminster Hall Debate on World Trade of 12 October 2006.

October 13th

Final GMO panel limits application of MEAs in future WTO disputes

12 October, 2006
The final World Trade Organization panel ruling on the European Union's moratorium on approvals of products with genetically modified organisms contains findings that will likely limit the extent to which future WTO panels will consider multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), according to private-sector sources.

Overview of bilateral free trade and investment agreements

12 October, 2006
This 22-page document gives a general overview of free trade agreements (FTAs) and bilateral investment treaties (BITs) that have been signed or are being negotiated all over the world.