Archive - Sep 2005

September 18th

Hong Kong To Stock Chemical Antidotes For WTO Mtg

17 September, 2005
The Hong Kong government has ordered hospitals to stock up on antidotes to cyanide and insecticide in preparation for chemical attacks during the World Trade Organization meeting in December

Developing countries warned against WTO-plus issues and rules in FTAs

17 September, 2005
The Third World Network held a regional Asian workshop on bilateraland regional FTAs on 26-29 August in Kuala Lumpur. Many speakers and participants voiced concerns about how the developed countries are making use of such FTAs to get developing countries to accept issues (such as investment) and rules (such as in intellectual property and services) that oblige them to take on more commitments than they have acepted in the WTO.(M.Khor)

September 16th

US, SACU talks to focus on NAMA, work plan for future issues

15 September, 2005
A U.S. trade official said the U.S. and the South African Customs Union will restart negotiations on a free trade agreement later this month in Botswana with discussions on non-agricultural market access.

Developed countries launch joint offensive to open up developing countries' services through new methods

15 September, 2005
Developed countries have launched a joint offensive to introduce new methods of getting developing countries to commit themselves to liberalising their services sectors in the WTO

Speech by Peter Mandelson at the National Press Club, Washington D.C., 13 September 2005

15 September, 2005
In this speech, Peter Mandelson sets out the political and economic case for the Doha Round.

Transcript of Lamy's media conference, September 15, 2005

15 September, 2005
This is a transcript of Lamy's media conference held September 15, 2005.

September 15th

Bridging Some US-EU Differences

14 September, 2005
Summing up the outcome of three separate meetings Tuesday and yesterday, US Trade Representative Rob Portman and visiting European Union Commissioner for Trade Peter Mandelson said both sides have made progress in bridging their differences in the Doha Development Agenda agriculture negotiations

Lamy Outlines Priorities for Hong Kong Ministerial, Officials Vow to Press for Deal

14 September, 2005
New World Trade Organization Director-General Pascal Lamy outlined Sept. 14 the immediate priorities member governments should focus on in order to ensure a successful outcome at the WTO's Hong Kong ministerial conference in December.

WTO talks resume with 'warming up' meeting on agriculture

14 September, 2005
The WTO on Tuesday 13 September kicked off what is expected to be an intense period of negotiations with a formal meeting of the Committee on Agriculture in Special Session

Bridging Some US-EU Differences

14 September, 2005
US Trade Representative Rob Portman and visiting European Union Commissioner for Trade Peter Mandelson said both sides have made progress in bridging their differences in the Doha Development Agenda agriculture negotiations