Archive - Apr 2005

April 20th

Govt asked to ban farm comodity imports

19 April, 2005
A group of non-governmental organizations staged a rally on Monday in front of the ministry of Trade and the State Palace to demand that the government ban the import of staple agricultural products and protect local farmers with subsidies and tariffs.

April 18th

Environmental laws lined up for removal by new trade talks

17 April, 2005
Governments including Japan, Korea, Mexico and the United States are planning to use new World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations to dismantle a wide range of national laws protecting the environment, social well-being and health, Friends of the Earth International revealed today.

April 16th

WIPO Development Agenda Meeting Report 4

15 April, 2005
The WIPO meeting on a Development Agenda for WIPO ended on 13 April night with a decision to hold two more meetings in June and July.(M.Khor)

WIPO Development Agenda meeting Report 3

15 April, 2005
Developing countries elaborate on their WIPO development agenda

April 15th

WIPO Meeting on Development Agenda Report 2

14 April, 2005
Disagreement, mainly on North-South lines, emerged on whether and how to establish a 'Development Agenda' emerged as the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) began an Inter-sessional Intergovernmental meeting (IIM) on 11 April.(M.Khor)

April 13th

Developing countries present comprehensive plan to reform WIPO

12 April, 2005
A four-point proposal to establish a

April 12th

Trade in Cultural Goods and Services: Assessing the compatibility between WTO trade rules and UNESCO's cultural diversity Convention

11 April, 2005
On 20 April at 3:00 pm, the INCD will hold a seminar at WTO headquarters in Geneva to discuss the cultural implications of the General Agreement on Trade in Services and the potential implications for trade rules of the new UNESCO Convention.

Developing Nations Give WTO Negotiations A Push

11 April, 2005
Most industrialised nations resist opening their agricultural markets, seeking to maintain their subsidies for protecting farmers. They spend a combined total of approximately a billion dollars a day on such state supports.

April 11th

Progress Made on WTO Trade Deal

10 April, 2005
World Trade Organization members are inching closer to a preliminary free trade agreement ahead of the body's December ministerial meeting in Hong Kong.

Japan hopes to break tariffs deadlock

10 April, 2005
Shoichi Nakagawa, Japan's trade minister, yesterday pledged to push ahead with informal meetings with other World Trade Organisation members ahead of the next official round of trade talks in December.