Archive - Oct 2005

October 28th

LDCs request exemption from TRIPS for another 15 years

27 October, 2005
The least developed countries in the WTO have made a request to the TRIPS Council to extend the transitional period for their implementing the TRIPS Agreement for a further 15 years after the present transition period expires at the end of this year.

EU Offer to Cut Farm Support Falls Short, U.S. Says

27 October, 2005
The European Union's offer today to cut its farm tariffs by as much as 60 percent falls short of expectations because the proposal allows exemptions that would block key exports, U.S. officials and industry groups said.

EU tables new offer in Doha World Trade talks; calls for immediate movement on services and industrial goods

27 October, 2005
EU has tabled new proposals on agriculture and other areas of the DDA trade talks to its negotiating partners in the 'Five Interested Parties' (FIPs).

October 27th

Agriculture: 'Agreement needed by 31 October or no Hong Kong deal'

26 October, 2005
The Chair of the WTO agriculture negotiations, Ambassador Crawford Falconer of New Zealand, has warned members that 'material convergence', particularly on market access, was needed by 31 October, otherwise he would have to report that objectives for the Hong Kong Ministerial cannot be met.

G20 submits six proposals on agriculture

26 October, 2005
The Group of 20 developing countries has presented six new proposals for the WTO agriculture negotiations. The papers were distributed at two informal meetings on agriculture held at the WTO on 21 October.

South continues objection to services 'targets' in Ministerial text

26 October, 2005
Many developing countries continued to raise objections to the inclusion of 'numerical targets and indicators' as a negotiating approach in a revised text on services for the Ministerial Declaration for the WTO's Hong Kong conference.

Korean peoples action against neoliberal globalization Newsletter #1, 27 October 2005

26 October, 2005
People’s Action will be sending out a biweekly English newsletter to share news about anti-globalization struggles in Korea and updates on preparation of the ‘Korean People’s Struggle Delegation’.

EU must keep CAP to protect food security, warns Paris

26 October, 2005
Mr Breton is as ardent as any French minister in arguing that the CAP is essential for Europe's future and must not be sacrificed at the altar of the World Trade Organisation.

G33 Proposal on the Special Safeguard Mechanism in Agriculture

26 October, 2005
G33 proposal in the agriculture negotiations, on the Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM) for use by developing countries to protect against import surges.

Arbitratror issues second award on Banana dispute

26 October, 2005
The WTO issued the second award of the arbitrator regarding the European Communities' implementation of the waiver granted by the Doha Ministerial Conference in relation to its banana regime