Archive - 2005

May 24th

Trade Policy Steep Tariff Reductions Necessary In WTO Talks to Benefit U.S. Exporters

23 May, 2005
National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC), said that hundreds of millions of dollars a year worth of priority NFTC-member non-agricultural exports to six countries--Brazil, Egypt, India, Malaysia, South Africa, and Turkey--currently face 'uncertain' or 'prohibitive' tariffs.

Groser Resignation Stuns WTO Ag Negotiators; Officials Warn of Consequences for Farm Trade Talks

23 May, 2005
Trade officials in Geneva May 23 were stunned by the news that the chairman of the WTO's agriculture negotiations, New Zealand ambassador Tim Groser, has resigned as New Zealand's ambassador to the WTO, calling into question his continued leadership at a sensitive stage in the farm trade negotiations.

May 23rd

Full scale of WTO challenge to health and environment revealed

22 May, 2005

AMSTERDAM, LONDON, BRUSSELS, MONTEVIDEO, WASHINGTON DC, May 23, 2005 - Friends of the Earth International today publishes a revised analysis of the World Trade Organization

Fair Trade Advocates Say Open Markets Could Shatter Small Farms

22 May, 2005
'[CAFTA] is going to be a disaster for farmers, in particular in the other member countries,' predicted Robert Scott, director of international programs at the Economic Policy Institute (EPI),

Developing countries should be cautious with Lamy at top

22 May, 2005
Trade diplomacy takes a new turn with the election of Pascal Lamy as the new director-general of WTO. His election is said to be an outcome of

May 22nd

Experts warn of devastating effects of WTO framework

21 May, 2005
The proposals at the WTO in the negotiations on non-agriculture market access (NAMA) to slash industrial tariffs in developing countries are inappropriate and... would result in devastating effects on local industrial firms and jobs...(M.Khor)

May 21st

Cautious Response to New Agriculture AVE Guidelines at WTO Meeting

20 May, 2005
An informal meeting on 10 May 2005 of the Special Session of the Committee on Agriculture of the WTO was presented with an updated set of draft guidelines on the methodology for converting non-ad valorem duties into ad valorem equivalents (AVEs). (M.Khor)

May 20th

U.S. Will Be Seeking Progress on NAMA At APEC Meeting in South Korea Next Month

19 May, 2005
U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman will travel to South Korea in early June to meet with trade ministers from the Asia-Pacific region to help promote further progress in the current round of WTO negotiations

Canada Expands Services Offer In Ongoing GATS Negotiations at WTO

19 May, 2005
The Canadian government May 18 submitted an expanded market access offer on services trade as part of ongoing Doha Round negotiations within the World Trade Organization to update the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).

U.S. Will Be Seeking Progress on NAMA At APEC Meeting in South Korea Next Month

19 May, 2005
U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman will travel to South Korea in early June to meet with trade ministers from the Asia-Pacific region to help promote further progress in the current round of World Trade Organization negotiations.