Archive - 2005

June 25th

WIPO members split on future work on patent law treaty

24 June, 2005
A meeting of the World Intellectual Property Organisation's standingcommittee on patents (SCP) was held on 1-2 June 2005. At the meeting,WIPO member states were unable to agree on how the future workof the committee should proceed(M.Khor)

No agreement on future work of WIPO Patents Committee

24 June, 2005
The Standing Committee on the Law ofPatents (SCP) at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) ended itsmeeting on 3 June 2005 without any agreement among Member States on how the future workprogramme of the committee should proceed.

June 23rd

A ?Green Room? Meeting Today

22 June, 2005
World Trade Organization Director General Supachai Panitchpakdi holds a small 'green room' meeting today to finalize how the process leading to the end-of-July General Council session can be conducted

Battle of Swiss vs Swiss-type formula continues in NAMA negotiations

22 June, 2005
Negotiations on non-agricultural market access (NAMA) at the WTO wrapped up a week-long meeting on 10 June with the Chair of the talks indicating that support for a simple Swiss formula for tariff reduction 'has grown measurably.'(M.Khor)

Civil Society Slams Services Negotiations at the WTO; Developing Countries Pressured To Open Services to Foreign Corporations

22 June, 2005
Over 160 civil society organizations from around the world sent a letter to WTO ambassadors today calling on negotiators to stop pressuring developing countries to open up their services sector to the corporations based in industrialized countries.

June 22nd

G20 Proposal on the Green Box

21 June, 2005
The main objective of this review and clarification is to ensure that domestic support measures notified conform to the fundamental requirement that they have no, or at most minimal, trade-distorting effects or effects on production

Canadian Proposal on the Green Box

21 June, 2005
In response to the Chair

June 21st

New TWN Paper on WTO Negotiations on NAMA

20 June, 2005
The paper examines key elements of the NAMA negotiations, the history of protectionism in industrial products (including the use of tariffs by developed countries), the optimal use of industrial tariffs at different phases of a country

Proposed Program for the General Council of Peoples

20 June, 2005
The Geneva People's Alliance has released information on the proposed program for the General Council of People's during the July WTO General Council Meeting from July 27th to 29th, 2005.

June 20th

Sorting Out the DDA End Process

19 June, 2005
A dozen capital-based senior trade officials today will be asked by the European Union to provide some indication as to how far they can go in advancing all the pillars of the Doha Development Agenda work program