
February 9th, 2004

Government Fails To Gain Free Trade In Agriculture

8 February, 2004
Government Fails To Gain Free Trade In Agriculture

Nasty Surprises in the detail of the US Free Trade Agreement

8 February, 2004
'The US government summary version of the US Free Trade Agreement contains some nasty surprises on the price of medicines, Australian content in new media and the Foreign Investment Review Board,' - Dr Patricia Ranald

Greens Call For Senate Veto On FTA

8 February, 2004
'The Howard Government has been slaughtered and Australian industries, agriculture and culture with it,' Senator Brown said.

US Trade Deal: Australian People and Parliament Still In The Dark

8 February, 2004
The Australian Parliament and the Australian people still have little knowledge of the detail of the US-Australia Free Trade Agreement, say the Australian Democrats.

February 8th

U.S., Australia Sign Free-trade Pact

7 February, 2004
The United States and Australia concluded a free-trade agreement Sunday that officials said will eliminate duties from more than 99 percent of American manufacturing exports to Australia.

ALP Senators Report Contradictory Say Community Groups

7 February, 2004
'The report of the ALP members of the Senate Committee on the USFTA is contradictory, admitting it is a bad deal but still endorsing it,' - Dr Patricia Ranald

February 7th

Feds Win Right To War Protesters' Records

6 February, 2004
'The best approach is not to speculate and see what we learn on Tuesday' when the four testify, said Ben Stone, executive director of the Iowa Civil Liberties Union, which is representing one of the protesters.

February 5th

US And EU Change Tactics: Seek To Woo G20Trade Negotiating Bodies Expected To Resume In February

4 February, 2004
Agriculture will be the key to unlock trade talks...

February 3rd

S. Korea-Chile FTA Likely To Be Ratified

2 February, 2004
Staff ReporterNational Assembly Speaker Park Kwan-yong on Tuesday agreed with party leaders to seek quick approval for several long-delayed bills, including those on the South Korea-Chile free trade agreement (FTA) and the dispatch of troops to Iraq.

January 26th

Notes of a meeting between Dr Supachai Panitchpakdi, WTO Director General and an Advisory Group of NGOs which he has established

25 January, 2004
Dr Supachai was accompanied by members of the External Relations Division and his own cabinet (Alain Frank, Hoe Lim, Bernard Kuiten).