
March 21st, 2005

Latest News From The Carribean Regional Negotiating Machinery.

20 March, 2005
Latest news from the Carribean Regional Negotiating Machinery.

March 20th

G-20 calls for elimination of export subsidies

19 March, 2005
The G-20 has advocated a tariff reduction formula containing progressivity, proportionality and flexibility.

G-20 Calls for Elimination of Export Subsidies

19 March, 2005
The G-20 has advocated a tariff reduction formula containing progressivity, proportionality and flexibility.

G-20 Calls For Elimination Of Export Subsidies

19 March, 2005
Brazilian foreign minister and G-20 coordinator Celso Amorim stated that the G-20 has not only to meet more frequently but also has to engage with others to move its agenda ahead.

G-20 Calls For Elimination Of Export Subsidies

19 March, 2005
NEW DELHI, MARCH 19: The G-20 has advocated a tariff reduction formula containing progressivity, proportionality and flexibility.

March 18th

Developing countries propose that TRIPS should require patent applications on genetic resources/traditional knowledge should prove benefit sharing

17 March, 2005
A proposal that applications for patents relating to genetic resources and traditional knowledge should be accompanied by evidence of benefit sharing with the countries of origin.

Setback for WTO Ag Talks as Members Fail to Finalize Deal on Tariff Conversions

17 March, 2005
The officials said that the chairman of the WTO's negotiating group on agriculture, New Zealand's Tim Groser, gave no indication when the talks would be reconvened.

U.S. Advocates Sectoral Approach In WTO Agriculture Trade Negotiations

17 March, 2005
Trade officials following the talks said it appeared to be the first time that the United States has advocated such an approach and identified specific products.

The Walking Zombie of the WTO

17 March, 2005
The Agricultural negotiations aren't faring much better. Underpinning the WTO is the ideology that all food should be produced for international export rather than local consumption.

Canada to Host WTO Senior Officials 'Mini-Ministerial' in Geneva April 18-19

17 March, 2005
Top trade officials from the same group of countries are due to meet for a mini-ministerial gathering in Paris May 4 on the fringes of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's annual meeting.