Archive - Call to Action

June 6th, 2005

Call for International Mobilizations in Geneva : STOP the WTO Corporate Agenda

Call for action: General Council of the Peoples, 27-30 July, and International Mobilization, 19-20 October, Geneva

May 31st

Stop the GATS Power Play Against Citizens of the World

This letter addresses the dangers of services liberalization and the current dynamics such as the attempt to change the process, among other things.

May 3rd

Sign on letter to call for end to FIPS process in agriculture

This is a sign on letter addressing the FIPS process and calling for an end and inclusion of all interested parties in agriculture negotiations.

August 10th, 2003

Llamamiento a Canc?n: Suspensi?n de las negociaciones sobre el AGCS. Servicios b?sicos, como el agua, fuera de la OMC

Alegato de la sociedad civil a la 5a Conferencia Ministerial de la Organizaci

Call to Cancun: Halt the GATS Negotiations. Take Essential Services, Such As Water, Out of the WTO.

Call to Cancun Ministerial Conference to stop GATS negotiations.

July 13th

NGOs Send Memo to WTO:

NGOs have sent a joint memorandum to the WTO members on The Need to Improve Internal Transparency and Participation in the WTO.

June 1st

Via Campesina Denounces the Sacramento Ministerial Conference and Expo on Agricultural Science and Technology

Via Campesina denounces the Sacramento 'Ministerial Conference and Expo on Agricultural Science and Technology' and insists that governments do not participate in this event