
September 14th, 2003

Trade And Competition Policy In The WTO

13 September, 2003
In Cancun, one of the most important decisions for Ministers will be whether or not to launch negotiations on new WTO agreements on investment, competition, transparency in government procurement, trade facilitation.

The New 'Deal' On TRIPS And Drugs: What Does It Mean For Access To Medicies?

13 September, 2003
The TRIPS Agreement allows the grant of compulsory licences (CL) to override patents, so that generic manufacturers may produce their cheaper versions of patented drugs.

Comments On The Draft Cancun Ministerial Text

13 September, 2003
Many governments as well as NGOs had called for the following principles to be adhered to with respect to the Draft Text: Different and divergent views of Members must be fully reflected in the Text that will form the basis for negotiations.

Some Key Issues In Cancun

13 September, 2003
The WTO's 5th Ministerial Conference in Cancun faces many key issues and problems. The outcome will be crucial for people and communities around the world.

WTO 'Singapore Issues': What's At Stake And Why It Matters

13 September, 2003
Cancun's most important decision will be whether or not to launch negotiations on the 'new issues' or 'Singapore issues': investment, competition, transparency in government procurement, trade facilitation.

The Cancun Meeting Will End Without An Agreement On The Ministerial Text.

13 September, 2003
The way the Cancun meeting has ended without an agreement and with such strong divisions is another wake up call for the system.

September 13th

African Cotton Producers Are Upset

12 September, 2003
'After so many comments and declarations of sympathy with our cause from the WTO secretariat and many ministers, the mountain gave birth to a mouse... no, not even a mouse, an ant!' -Francois Traor

September 12th

Summary of USTR Daily briefing

11 September, 2003
Hosted by deputy USTR Chris Padilla (sp?); speakers inlcuded deputy USTR Chris Mendenhall on Service/ Investment and Kathy Novelli, deputy USTR for Europe/ Mediterranean.

Leaked EU Draft Exposes Reality Behind 'Development Rethoric'

11 September, 2003
In the case of the ongoing negotiations of services, of which the European economies are a major producer and exporter, the leaked text wants to add a strict timeline for the process to reach final conclusions.

WTO: The US Demands Poor Countries To 'pay' For Agricultural Subsidy Reduction

11 September, 2003
Progress in agriculture would allow for developing countries to make some concession in other areas of interest to developed countries, such as non-agriculture products, where poor countries are being asked to lower their import tariffs.