Annan Nominates WTO Chief To Head UNCTAD

28 February, 2005

Annan nominates WTO chief to head UNCTADSource: Xinhua March 1, 2005

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has nominated Supachai Panitchpakdi, the outgoing chief of the World Trade Organization ({WTO}), to head the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), UN spokesman Fred Eckhard said Monday.

In a statement released by the secretary, Annan said he was absolutely delighted that Supachai Panitchpakdi has agreed.

'Dr. Supachai has done an outstanding job as Director-General of the World Trade Organization, particularly in pushing forward the very difficult process of the Doha round, on which rest many of the hopes for economic progress in developing countries and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals,' he added, referring to the targets of halving many of the world's ills, such as hunger and poverty by 2015.

If approved by the General Assembly, Supachai, a former Thai central banker and deputy prime minister who is a strong advocate of a fair deal in globalization for poorer nations, will succeed Rubens Ricupero of {Brazil}, who left last September as Secretary-General of UNCTAD. Since then, Carlos Fortin of {Chile} has acted as Officer-in-Charge.

In his current role, Supachai was particularly disappointed at the collapse in 2003 of a major ministerial conference in Cancun, {Mexico}, that was meant to advance the Doha Development Agenda, which was adopted in 2001 in the {Qatar} capital of Doha in an effort to achieve freer trade worldwide.

If Doha fails, he said then, the losers will be the poor of the world. The Cancun talks ran aground over issues ranging from speedy elimination of agricultural subsidies by rich countries that undercut farmers in the world's poorest nations to the so-called {Singapore} issues trade and investment, competition policy, transparency in government procurement which developing nations felt might interfere with their domestic policies.

UNCTAD has been the focal point within the United Nations for the integrated treatment of trade and development and related issues in the areas of investment, finance, technology, enterprise development and sustainable development.