Furore at Lamys Lecture

9 February, 2006

Protesters disrupted Pascal Lamys lecture this morning at the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) on East Campus.

Lamy, the Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is at Wits as part WTOs Doha Round of the Post-Hong Kong Roadmap talks.

This is one of a series of talks being held by the WTO to reduce trade tariffs and subsidies given to farmers in the European Union and America, which adversely affect developing countries.

However before Lamys 20-minute speech even began, members of Jubilee South Africa and other activists, interrupted him. Anne Mayher, PHD student in Public and Development Management at Wits said, There were about six of us inside. When Pascal Lamy stood up, we started yelling, No, no WTO! for about 5 minutes and then security started pushing us out.

National director of SAIIA, Elizabeth Sidiropoulos did not, however, agree with the protesters behaviour. She said, Everybody has the right to engage in open debate on issues that are relevant and topical but the principle of open debate is to give both sides of the story.

She pleaded, Let us ask [Pascal Lamy] the questions but do it in an engaging way. That is what is important.

But Wits Philosophy Masters student and member of Jubilee SA, Tristen Taylor, when asked why his organization did not want to engage with Lamy, said we believe that the WTO should not exist.

Jimmy Nkomo, Khulu-mani Support Group (KSG) added that the protesters who were inside the lecture disrupted the talks because their members were not allowed inside. Thats why they vented their anger.

Jubilee South Africa is the national branch of Jubilee International, a movement dedicated to the cancellation of debt for poor countries said Makoma Lekolakala, a leader of the organization.

Speaking about the WTO Lekolakala said, All their trade policies are policies of terror, that leaves economies devastated and cause the deregulation of labour.

Wits student, Komnas Poriazis, an honours student in Politics said to engage with Lamy in the peaceful venue [SAIIA seminar room] and in a peaceful manner would be to treat him as deserving of respect.

However, Jennifer Renton, SAIIA communication manager said, Everybody is entitled to free speech but if you dont allow it for someone else then that is another thing.

The protests continued outside. Chants of away with WTO, WTO is the devil, Pascal Lamy is the Devil and Phantsi could be heard outside, while Lamy continued with his lecture. There are plans to carry on to Rosebank where Lamy is expected to give another lecture.