WTO rejoices over Kamal Nath's exit from trade and commerce

1 June, 2009

Geneva heaves a sigh of relief. With Kamal Nath moved out of the Indian Commerce Ministry, the probability of concluding the contentious Doha Development Round of the WTO appears much brighter. Not that Kamal Nath was un-necessarily throwing spanners but his strong grip over the trade negotiations helped India to resist bullying and arm-twisting by the big boys of international trade.

Canada-Colombia Trade Deal Removed from Canadian Government's Legislative Agenda

1 June, 2009
As a result of increasing parliamentary and public concern, Bill C-23, the implementing legislation for the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (FTA), has been removed from the Canadian government's current legislative agenda.

Vamos Parar a Rodada de "do desenvolvimento" de Doha e as outras negociações de livre comércio!

Convocamos as organizações da sociedade civil e os movimentos sociais do mundo inteiro a expressar a nossa oposição enérgica, unitária e inequívoca frente às intenções de conclusão da atual 'rodada' de negociações da Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC), e a outros tratados de Livre Comércio regionais e bilaterais que os governos tentam impor em muitas partes do mundo.

Sobre a OWINFS

The “Our World is not for Sale” (OWINFS) network is a loose grouping of organizations, activists and social movements worldwide fighting the current model of corporate globalization embodied in global trading system. OWINFS is committed to a sustainable, socially just, democratic and accountable multilateral trading system.


Stop the WTO destroying developing country industries and selling off our natural resources!

Many people have heard about the WTO opening up markets in services and agriculture, with negative impacts on farmers, public services and the environment world-wide. But now the rest of the world is also up for sale at the World Trade Organization (WTO), as governments plan to liberalise all remaining sectors through a new agreement, known as the Non-Agricultural Market Access or NAMA agreement, which is being

The OWINFS Statement of Political Unity

A Statement of Unity from


“Our World Is Not for Sale” is a worldwide network of organizations; activists and social movements committed to challenging trade and investment agreements that advance the interests of the world’s most powerful corporations at the expense of people and the environment.

My intro to wto page

23 April, 2009
this is my page. adadadafsdfsd gfdgd

S2B Letter to Martin Ríman, EU President

1 March, 2009

The Seattle to Brussels Network (S2B) would like to welcome you in the EU Presidency. We hope
that we will be able to build a constructive dialogue around the EU trade policy – in the direction of
a trade policy that puts people and the environment first.