7th Ministerial, Geneva 2009

Pronunciamiento de la ASC ante la nueva cumbre ministerial de la OMC

30 November, 2009

Entre el 30 de noviembre y el 2 de diciembre de 2009 se realizará en Ginebra la VII reunión ministerial de la OMC. Será un nuevo esfuerzo de reanudar las negociaciones de la Ronda de Doha, iniciada hace 8 años, y un escenario donde los países desarrollados nuevamente intentarán imponer su propia agenda de liberalización y desregulación de los mercados.

Genova: Lovely Planet Tour

29 November, 2009
At the link http://www.flickr.com/photos/45107258@N06/sets/72157622773196743/ a photo from Genova about the Lovely Planet Tour, the format we adopted to raise awareness of media and citizen about how our cities are changing due to the liberalizations pushed by WTO and how we are applying concrete solutions to address those violations around the country with organic agriculture, critical consumption, reduction of emissions in productions, fair trade and so on.

OWINFS PRESS RELEASE: 10 years after Seattle, WTO protests worldwide, no WTO expansion, Korean activists detained

28 November, 2009
Members of the global network Our World Is Not for Sale (OWINFS) held a press briefing this morning to object the undemocratic detention of Korean activists coming to Geneva, and to demand their immediate release. OWINFS also introduced the objectives of mobilizations around the WTO ministerial in Geneva and around the world, including the mobilizations in India, Indonesia, Korea, Europe, and the United States.