Archive - 2005

dezembro 16th

COSATU Press statement on NAMA ? issued from Hong Kong

15 December, 2005
As the talks at the WTO continue, the Southern African region, Africa and other developing countries and regions face an ever increasing threat to catastrophic jobs and even the very real potential of de-industrialisation

dezembro 15th

Strong governance of WTO trade aid needed - Egypt

14 December, 2005
Dramatic rich country promises to help poor countries expand exports could fail without a change in how billions of dollars in aid are managed, Egyptian Trade Minister Rachid Mohamed Rachid said on Wednesday.

Corporations Dominate Trade Panels that Set Global Health Policy: Public Health Groups Sue US Government for Fair & Democratic Representation

14 December, 2005
A lawsuit filed today in US Federal District Court by public health and physician groups demands that corporate interests be balanced with public interest representation on US Industry Trade Advisory Committees (ITACs) that advise the US Trade Representative (USTR) on trade policies affecting public health

Rural Women speak against WTO in Hong Kong

14 December, 2005
In yesterday's opening of the Asia Pacific Women's Village at Victoria Park, and during the Talanoa event, the voices of Asian women against WTO were consolidated

Canadian organizations issue statement critical of government?s GATS position at WTO Ministerial

14 December, 2005
In a joint statement released today, Canadian organizations called on the federal government to stop the anti-development services agenda at the WTO Ministerial in Hong Kong

Poor countries flex muscles at WTO talks

14 December, 2005
Global trade talks were confronted with growing pressure from poorer countries, with African cotton producers and Latin American banana exporters leading the charge for fairer treatment.

La OMC en Hong Kong: ni EU, UE o G-20, sino todo lo contrario

14 December, 2005
Ya que la Organizaci

'Aid for Trade' is a deceptive ploy and destructive aid

14 December, 2005
Press statement on 'Aid for Trade':The Reality of Aid, an international network of more than 80 national and regional networks representing thousands of civil society organizations, calls the US proposal in the WTO ministerial conference to increase funds for the 'aid for trade' program as 'illusory, deceptive, and destructive.'

More finger pointing, less negotiation, as Ministerial gets under way

14 December, 2005
No progress seems to have been made in negotiations on market access issues of agriculture, NAMA and services after two days of the Ministerial

The empty promises of US and EU 'development package'

14 December, 2005
The U.S. and EU are attempting to put a 'development spin' at the Hong Kong WTO Ministerial in announcing a 'development package' comprising of aid for trade, non-binding duty free market access for Least Developing Countries and a few other items.