
março 6th, 2007

‘Layers of Opaqueness’

5 March, 2007
African trade envoys are extremely unhappy over what they call 'layers of opaqueness' in the manner which the four key players in the Doha Development Agenda negotiations - the United States, the European Union, Brazil and India - are following, keeping others out of the process.

março 5th

Claiming our space: using TRIPS flexibilities to protect access to medicines

4 March, 2007
In February this year the WHO Director General, Margaret Chan caused a storm when she was quoted in Thailand saying that the country should negotiate with pharmaceutical companies before issuing a compulsory license.

London and Geneva

4 March, 2007
Bilateral discussions among the trade chiefs of the European Union, India, the United States and Brazil held over the weekend in London and Geneva stepped up movement in the Doha Development Agenda negotiations to finalize the possible elements of a deal in the difficult packages of agriculture and market opening for industrials.

março 2nd

Round Table Discussion on SP/SSM

1 March, 2007
Last February 28, the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP), the Asian Peasant Coalition (APC), PUMALAG and the IBON Foundation organized a Roundtable Discussion on WTO and the SP/ SSM in the UP Hotel in Quezon City. It was a lively discussion attended by around 100 participants from peasant organizations, fisher folk groups, trade unions, peasant women organizations, religious congregations, anti-imperialist organizations, a representative in Congress and the Cuban Ambassador as well as the Charges de Affaires of Venezuela.

USTR Off to London, Geneva

1 March, 2007
US Trade Representative Susan Schwab will hold informal bilateral discussions in London with her three major counterparts in the Doha Development Agenda negotiations this weekend and then travel to Geneva to meet with World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy and others

Debating ‘10’ and ‘15’

1 March, 2007
Ahead of another four-member ministerial effort to reach a 'breakthrough' in the long-stalled Doha Development Agenda negotiations, the NAMA-11 coalition of developing countries yesterday warned that a Swiss formula coefficient of '10' for industrialized countries and '15' for developing countries is 'totally unfair and unbalanced.'

março 1st

Executives step up pressure for Doha trade deal

28 February, 2007
Letters from two coalitions of chief executives urging completion of the Doha round in today's Financial Times have a familiar ring. Unlike previous broadsides, there might be a sustained follow-up.

Despite WTO Head Lamy's claims, free trade dangerous to farmers, workers

28 February, 2007
Based on the warm reception WTO secretary-general Pascal Lamy received from the country

Round Table Discussion on SP/SSM

28 February, 2007
Last February 28, the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP), the Asian Peasant Coalition (APC), PUMALAG and the IBON Foundation organized a Roundtable Discussion on WTO and the SP/ SSM in the UP Hotel in Quezon City. It was a lively discussion attended by around 100 participants from peasant organizations, fisher folk groups, trade unions, peasant women organizations, religious congregations, anti-imperialist organizations, a representative in Congress and the Cuban Ambassador as well as the Charges de Affaires of Venezuela.

fevereiro 28th

US Bends a Little on Commodity Caps

27 February, 2007
The United States indicated it will consider a combined cap on 'amber box' and 'blue box' domestic payments for commodity-specific subsidy payments that would specify the maximum amount that Washington could spend at any given period of time.