
ISP-OWINFS-FES: De l'AGCS à l'ACS Forum sur le commerce mondial des services

10 October, 2014
Le Forum sur le commerce mondial des services de l'ISP « De l'AGCS à l'ACS », organisé en partenariat avec la fondation Friedrich Ebert (FES) et le réseau Notre monde n'est pas à vendre (Our World Is Not For Sale, OWINFS), marque la toute première occasion au monde d'exprimer un point de vue critique sur l'Accord sur le commerce des services (ACS). Ce forum réunira des experts mondialement connus, des syndicats des secteurs public et privé, ainsi que des représentant(e)s de la société civile et des gouvernements des quatre coins du monde, afin d'échanger des informations sur l'ACS. Ils se pencheront sur les menaces qui planent sur les services publics, la démocratie et les travailleurs/euses, et organiseront une action en vue de les contrer.

OWINFS et ISP Rapport: Les "Vrais Bons Amis"... de l'accord des entreprises transnationales

30 September, 2014
Ce nouveau rapport de l'ISP sur le commerce des services, écrit par Ellen Gould, a été présenté par l'ISP et Our World is not For Sale (OWINFS) lors du Sommet mondial de l'ISP sur le commerce, tenu à Washington, D.C., du 15 au 17 septembre 2014.

Rapport spécial de la PSI: l'ACS contre les services publics

28 April, 2014
Considérer les services publics comme une marchandise, c’est se méprendre sur le concept même de service public. L’Accord sur le commerce des services (ACS), dont les négociations se déroulent actuellement dans le plus grand secret et de façon non conforme aux règles de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce, constitue une tentative délibérée de privilégier les bénéfices des entreprises et des pays les plus riches au monde, au détriment de ceux qui sont le plus dans le besoin.

Video: Press Conference, G20 Counter-Summit, St-Petersburg, Sept. 2, 2013

2 September, 2013

G20 Counter-Summit Press Conference
St-Petersburg, Sept. 2, 2013

With Boris Kagarlitsky (Institute for Globalization and Social Movements, IGSO, Russia), Diana Aguiar (Brazil Network for the Integration of Peoples -REBRIP, Brazil), Kevin Danaher (Global Exchange, USA), Au Loong Yu (China Labor Net, China)

Press Release: G20 Summit and Counter summit in Saint-Petersburg

26 August, 2013
On the 3-4th of September in St. Petersburg a counter-summit, a large-scale international event that aims to be an alternative to the September G20 Summit and to develop new principles of economic and social policy that are not based on the "Washington Consensus" will be held. The international counter-summit organised by the "Post-globalization" initiative will bring together world-renowned experts, politicians, economists, social scientists from Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America. In the frames of the counter-summit panel discussions, seminars and public lectures will be held.

Towards G20 Counter-Summit 2013: Conference "The End of Neoliberalism", Kiev

4 June, 2013

Towards the G20 Counter-Summit in Russia in September 2013, on the 11-12 of June 2013 the conference THE END OF NEOLIBERALISM will take place in Kyiv, involving the leading academics from Western and Eastern Europe, who conduct research on economic and social aspects of globalization. The conference will be held within the international initiative Post-Globalization, supported by the Scientific and Technological Potential and History of Science Research Center of NAS of Ukraine, Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine, Visual Culture Research Center and Center for Society Research.

Website of Post-Globalization Initiative / G20 counter-summit

15 May, 2013
The Post-Globalization initiative is pleased to announce the creation of its website towards the G20 Counter-Summit in September 2013, Russia


Press Release: Post-Globalization Initiative, towards a Counter-Summit on G20

2 May, 2013

Crash of neoliberal model and hegemony of the USA it was declared during scientific conference in Moscow within the Post-globalization initiative. Participants decided to organize Counter-Summit for G-20 in St. Petersburg. They are sure that it gives an opportunity to form a coalition of movements, non-governmental organizations, labour unions and individuals which are brought together not only by the common need to criticize the “Washington consensus” and current global economic order but also by the common will to design new policies and alternative strategies to overcome the current crisis.

Global Call, Towards a Peoples' Counter-Summit on G20, Russia, Sept. 2013

25 April, 2013
St-Petersburg, Russia / September 3-4, 2013

Let's build together a
Post-Globalization Alternative to NeoLiberalism !

NGOs object to Lamy panel, call for its dissolution

2 August, 2012
In a letter to the Director-General dated 25 June 2012, global civil society groups said that the "WTO Panel on Defining the Future of Trade", more than half of which is composed of representatives of the business sector, "does not have the global legitimacy of the stakeholders - those who will be impacted by the future of trade negotiations within the WTO - to be able to propose a legitimate path forward for future WTO negotiations."

Statement of Our World Is Not for Sale (OWINFS) on the de Schutter-WTO Debate

17 December, 2011

OWINFS Supports De Schutter:
WTO has Negative Impact on Global Food Security!
We Demand Trade Rules that Support Food Security and Sovereignty

Pledge Against Protectionism: Statements from Civil Society Organizations

17 December, 2011

A wide variety of civil society representatives and experts from the global Our World Is Not for Sale (OWINFS) network, present in Geneva for the 8th Ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO), voiced their opposition to the idea of a standstill on tariffs in the WTO proposed within the “Pledge Against Protectionism” circulated today by a group of mostly developed countries.

Compromiso contra el proteccionismo: Postura de organizaciones Latinoamericanas

16 December, 2011

Ante el Compromiso contra el proteccionismo, impulsado por Australia, Canadá, Estados Unido, Japón y la Unión Europea el día 15 de diciembre del 2011 en el marco de la 8va Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC, y firmado por otros 18 países entre ellos México, Perú, Chile, y Costa Rica, nosotros aquí firmantes, organizaciones de Argentina, Brasil, México y Perú, unidos a los más de 50 representantes de la sociedad civil de 30 países del mundo aquí presentes en Ginebra, Suiza ante la 8va Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC, nos levantamos de una sola voz para denunciar

Harper turns his back on development at WTO with divisive “pledge against protectionism” and unhelpful Government Procurement Agreement

16 December, 2011

December 16, 2011

Ottawa – The Council of Canadians is saddened by efforts from the Harper government to yet again undermine multilateralism and the demands of developing countries, this time at the WTO with a harmful “pledge against protectionism.” The social justice organization also regrets that Canada continues to expand the WTO’s Government Procurement Agreement, which unnecessarily restricts public options for supporting local, sustainable development at home and in other countries.

Pledge Against Protectionism: Statement of Civil Society Organizations from Latin America

16 December, 2011

In the face of the Pledge Against Protectionism, promoted by Australia, Canada, United States, Japan and the European Union on December 15, 2011, during the 8th WTO Ministerial Conference, and supported by 18 more countries including Mexico, Peru, Chile, and Costa Rica, we, undersigned, organizations from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Peru, united with over 50 civil society representatives from 30 countries attending the 8th WTO Ministerial in Geneva, Switzerland, raise our voice to denounce the Pledge Against Protectionism promoted by

Occupy WTO: teach-in in Geneva

16 December, 2011

Programme d'activités de Occupy WTO, à Genève

Cliquer ici

Survivance des mesures protectionnistes: les pays africains en souffrent

16 December, 2011

Les pays les plus développés mettent en place un nombre d’obstacles toujours plus grand aux échanges commerciaux. En plus de cela, ces grandes puissances campent sur leurs positions, arrêtées depuis longtemps.

Quotes from a variety of civil society experts

16 December, 2011

Aksel Naerstad, chair of the Norwegian Trade Campaign (network organizations of labour unions, farmers’ organizations, environmental organizations, solidarity organizations and other NGOs):

WTO Turnaround: Food, Jobs and Sustainable Development First

16 December, 2011

We Demand Jobs and Industrial Development Policy Space
We Demand the Right to Protect the Policy Space for Development
WTO Rules Must Facilitate Financial Stability Rather than Financial Deregulation
Access to Health and Affordable Medicines before Patent Monopolies
We Demand Trade Rules that Support Food Security and Sovereignty
Protecting Biodiversity and the Banning the Patenting of Life
The WTO Is Not the Venue to Establish Climate Change Policy

Le CNCD-11.11.11 dénonce les méthodes de l’UE et des pays industrialisés

16 December, 2011

Du 15 au 17 décembre, les représentants des Etats du monde entier sont réunis à Genève pour tenter de relancer le « Programme de Doha pour le développement »  de l’Organisation internationale du commerce (OMC). Lancé en 2001, celui-ci promettait de réparer les graves inégalités et les impacts catastrophiques pour les pays en voie de développement résultant des négociations commerciales mondiales conclues depuis 1948 et particulièrement de l’Uruguay Round, conclu en 1994.